The Veragrow company has a double activity with the earthworm as a common element. It deals with the distribution, installation and training of continuous flow vermicomposting equipment (new technology) in order to recycle bio-waste in a simpler and more efficient way. VERAGROW develops and markets biostimulation products (for field crops) based on the active principles secreted by the earthworm.
Alexandre BOCAGE – Président
Veragrow in few words
Veragrow was born in September 2019. During their engineering studies, Alexandre Bocage and Théo Saint-Martin became very interested in the interest of earthworms for agricultural soils and the many ecological issues of this early 21st century. ” After starting the company on the Théo’s parents’ dining room table, with the cellar as a testing ground for our first continuous flow vermicomposting model, we installed our two lines at the the Vauvray Business Park in Val-de-Reuil, and followed two years of research on the development of a liquid vermicompost-based agricultural biostimulant, capable of increasing yields while optimizing the use of phytosanitary products and other synthetic inputs. “
Different steps have allowed the development of the company and its success:
- Installation of two continuous flow vermicomposting lines at the Vauvray Business Park in Val-de-Reuil
- Beginning of the laboratory and field testing phase for the Veraleaf and Veraspida biostimulants (2020)
- Signature of a contract for the installation of a continuous flow vermicomposting line at the Lycée Agricole in Yvetot (2020)
- Beginning of the commercial development in 2021 (marketing, communication…) and support of the ADEME
- Commercialization in 2022, AMM in the process of obtaining, installation of the first collective vermicomposters in the Normandy region
- Installation of a liquid biostimulants production line in Val-de-Reuil
- Winner of the 2022 Normandy Economy Awards in the Innovation category
- Fundraising in progress for the end of 2022
Support from the Normandy Region
” The Normandy Region has supported us since the beginning through various aids and subsidies such as regional aids (consulting impulse, development…); the integration in the Fast Forward Normandy program; the ERDF subsidy with the financing of the Ver’Repair project, in collaboration with NATUP, UniLaSalle and the TES Cluster, within the framework of experiments on Veragrow products to respond to the problem of soil exhaustion.
We are very happy to be located in a region such as Normandy, a region that promotes and supports young companies and actors in this dynamic territory.”
A path to the future
” In the future, we want to develop new specific products, market our products on a national and European scale as well as create new jobs in the region.“