PROVEG Project Completion date: 2020 – 2022 The project leader : Partners: AGHYLE CERFRANCE Normandie Maine et ARAD Normandie Université – Unité GLYCOMEV EA 4358

Soja made in Normandy (SMN)
Facing the increasing demand of proteins for animal and human nutrition, the development of oilseed crops represents a major challenge.

The missing link, relocation of a flax mill in Normandy
This spinning mill project makes it possible to relocate part of the activity and to build the long-desired missing link.

LEGGO – Leguminous Plants of the Great West
LEGGO is a pre-competitive ecosystem, initiated by the Chambers of Agriculture of the Grand Ouest.

Genetic selection project for the Biorefinery of the cultivated algae Ulva lactuca (green) and Saccharina latissima (brown)